
How to punch a phone number. Find out the owner of the mobile or find the number by full name.
How to punch a phone number. Find out the owner of the mobile or find the number by full name. Today, there are many free services on the Internet with instructions “How to break through a phone number. Find out the owner of the mobile or find the number by full name. As a rule, […]
Prospects for the use of 3D printing in crime investigations in Ukraine
Prospects for using 3D printing in crime investigations in Ukraine. In the age of modern technology, the concept of 3D is firmly entrenched in our daily lives. 3D is associated with cinema, animation or photography. It is unlikely that there is such a person now who would not have heard about such a technological novelty […]
Online child control.
Child control online. “Blue whale” or “wake me up at 4:20”, what is it? A deadly game originating at the end of 2016. At present, the time of computer technology, people lack communication. This topic is especially familiar to teenagers. When you are 15, it seems to you that the whole world is against you, […]
Private detective on the Internet
Private detective on the Internet. The 21st century is the century of the development of the latest information technologies. It is difficult to imagine modern people without mobile phones, laptops, tablets and other modern means of communication and information transfer. People began to actively use bank cards, store information and electronic media, conduct financial transactions […]
Legal advice Kyiv.
Lawyer’s consultations Kyiv. Opinion about criminal proceedings in absentia. The issue of criminal proceedings in absentia appeared in the Criminal Procedure Code from 07.10.2014 No. 1689-VII, it deals with the inevitability of punishment for certain types of crimes contrary to the foundations of national security, public security and corruption crimes. The main point in this […]
Independent investigation and collection of evidence.
Independent investigation and collection of evidence. Briefly explaining what this process is, we can say that the collection of evidence is the activity of the parties to criminal proceedings, enshrined in the legislation of Ukraine, namely the victims, representatives, in respect of which the case is taking place, during which the search is carried out, […]
Search for scammers on the Internet.
Searching for scammers on the Internet is a process that requires special technical knowledge and training. Frauds relate to deception with a purchase (the so-called “prepayment divorce” for an unrealistically low cost of goods relative to the market) and on a dating site, when gullible people in search of a second half encounter scammers who […]
The cost of detective services in Kyiv.
The cost of detective services in Kyiv depends on the task that you set for him, if this is an observation, then the average price is $ 300 per day of work based on the minimum set of forces and means, in this case it is two cars and four people . But if you […]
Fixation of fingerprints.
Fixation of fingerprints. Since fingerprints cannot be removed, they must be captured using photography and properly selected lighting. Separate four options for lighting conditions: reflected, passing, shooting on a dark or light background, combined. To increase the contrast of the image when photographing handprints in transmitted light, special lighting is used according to the dark […]
Bodyguard in Kyiv
Bodyguard in Kyiv (Bodyguard) our team consists of private security guards with experience who, in their spare time, constantly improve their professionalism by improving special skills in order to successfully perform official tasks and functional responsibilities Preparation includes: functional preparation; tactics of actions of personnel in typical and extreme situations; fire training; physical training; psychological […]