About us

Исходный текст
My pomozhem proveritʹ interesuyushchuyu Vas informatsiyu lyuboy slozhnosti. Provedem ryad operativnykh meropriyatiy po proverke na supruzheskuyu nevernostʹ (vernostʹ) i vse, chto kasayet·sya interesuyushchikh Vas faktov semeynoy i lichnoy zhizni. Khotim obratitʹ vnimaniye, chto iz opyta raboty nashego agent·stva, muzh, zhena ili drugiye litsa vedut dvoynuyu zhiznʹ. Soprovozhdayem skrytym nablyudeniyem litso, kak na rabote, tak i vozmozhen vyyezd s nim na otdykh, i sbor informatsii. V nashe vremya ne vsegda khvatayet vremeni na lichnuyu zhiznʹ, prikhodit·sya nanimatʹ takikh rabotnikov kak nyani, uborshchitsy, domrabotnitsy i drugoy rabochiy personal. Nashe detektivnoye agent·stvo pomozhet Vam proveritʹ dobrosovestnostʹ i poryadochnostʹ vysheperechislennogo shtata rabochikh i sobratʹ o nikh opredelennyy obʺyem informatsii. Takzhe pomozhem sdelatʹ analogichnyy obʺyem raboty otnositelʹno priyema na rabotu na predpriyatiya, firmy i t.d.. Proverka biznes partnerov, podgotovka k peregovoram i drugoy obʺyem raboty kotoryy Vas interesuyet. Poskolʹku detektivnaya deyatelʹnostʹ na pryamuyu svyazana i vliyayet na kazhdogo obrativshegosya k nam cheloveka, to my garantiruyem polnuyu konfidentsialʹnostʹ. Chto kasayet·sya moshennikov i aferistov v detektivnoy sfere deyatelʹnosti, oni vsegda byli v lyuboy sfere i budut. Nashe detektivnoye agent·stvo planiruyet obʺyedinitʹsya s dobrosovestnymi i poryadochnymi detektivnymi agent·stvami s tselʹyu borʹby s aferistami. V blizhaysheye vremya my planiruyem i razrabatyvayem kak dostupno i prosto predostavitʹ Vam informatsiyu o moshennikakh. Nashe agent·stvo poka vozderzhit·sya ot sovetov po vyyavleniyu aferistov, chto by ne oskorbitʹ nashikh kolleg. Tak kak dorogoy i krasivo oformlennyy sayt ili reklama ne vsegda garantiruyut kachestvo raboty.

S Uvazheniyem. Detektivnoye agent·stvo “Strela”.

1 760 / 5 000
Результаты перевода
We will help you to check the information you are interested in of any complexity. We will carry out a number of operational measures to check for adultery (fidelity) and everything related to the facts of family and personal life that are of interest to you. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that from the experience of our agency, a husband, wife or other persons lead a double life. We accompany a person with covert surveillance, both at work, and it is possible to go on vacation with him, and collect information.

Nowadays, there is not always enough time for personal life, you have to hire such workers as nannies, cleaners, housekeepers and other working staff. Our detective agency will help you check the integrity and decency of the above staff of workers and collect a certain amount of information about them. We will also help you to do the same amount of work regarding hiring for enterprises, firms, etc. Checking business partners, preparing for negotiations and other work that interests you.

Since detective work is directly related to and affects every person who contacts us, we guarantee complete confidentiality.

As for swindlers and swindlers in the detective field, they have always been in any field and will be. Our detective agency plans to team up with conscientious and decent detective agencies in order to combat scammers. In the near future we plan and develop how accessible and easy to provide you with information about scammers. Our agency will refrain from giving advice on identifying scammers so as not to offend our colleagues. Since an expensive and beautifully designed website or advertising does not always guarantee the quality of work.

Regards. Detective agency “Arrow”.