Screening of candidates upon hiring

If you are the head of a certain enterprise, then checking candidates when applying for a job can be a very relevant thing for you. Especially if your company has some trade secret, the disclosure of which is unacceptable. The likelihood that the worker will want to get a lot of money instead of honest work at once by selling this secret to an interested third party is very high. Still, our age is not the age of gentlemen, but the age of adventurers.

So, when hiring a certain person, it would be good to play it safe and learn more about this person. Checking candidates when applying for a job is something that large European enterprises have been doing for a long time, because workers create the image of the enterprise. People who are prone to nervous breakdowns can significantly damage the reputation of the company. For example, if a bank employee, or an employee of another profession, whose duties include direct communication with customers, suddenly breaks down on some next person who wants to open an account, then this can cause a major scandal. Even an ordinary supermarket cashier who suddenly starts shouting in the face of a customer that he is tired of this tedious job for which so little pay can affect the reputation of the entire company.

This issue is even more serious in law enforcement agencies. If a person who was given a weapon can start firing for no reason, without hitting anywhere – well, something upset him, maybe his wife left for another, or maybe just remembered something bad – this is unforgivable for the organization that gave him this weapon. There are also cases when strength and title were used to assert oneself in one’s own eyes, because sometimes it’s so nice to feel that you are stronger than someone, and to imagine that you have power over this someone. Abuse of authority is a terrible crime, especially when it concerns representatives of power structures and law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, this crime is not uncommon. The absurdity and terrible irony of fate lie in the fact that people who are supposed to protect a person from all sorts of attempts on his personality often cause personal damage to citizens by inflicting injuries on them. The Strela agency does not undertake to offer the police its services of “checking candidates when applying for a job.” This state body itself can and must take care of the prudence and integrity of its employees. However, when hiring privately, a security guard or bodyguard, it does not hurt to make sure that this personLovek is mentally healthy and humanistic in thinking and actions. After all, the reputation of your guard is your reputation. The security guard is your employee. The authorities are always responsible for their wards. And if the ward suddenly kills or maims someone without extreme necessity (of course, a good guard must first of all protect what he is entrusted with, nevertheless, without breaking the law), and even more so, during duty, the boss can be brought to criminal responsibility with him.

There is also the possibility that, using official authority for personal gain, an employee may commit an act of theft or robbery. It is clear that checking an employee will not hurt here. For a person with certain skills, it will not be difficult to rob a collector’s car during loading using only an electric shock. It would seem that it can be criminal when you give a security guard an electric shock – this is not a firearm. But, as you can see, not everything is so simple.

There are cases when the guard himself robs the territory protected by him. A personal bodyguard can be easily sent by competitors. And the fact that he served for some time in the police is not sufficient evidence of his integrity. After all, he could just be expelled from law enforcement agencies for official arbitrariness.

Checking job candidates can be very relevant if you care about who you are going to work with.