Judges can no longer show their income

Our valiant Verkhovna Rada again pleased the voters. Now judges will not publish their income declaration on the official website of the judiciary. This was one of the best achievements of the judicial reform in 2010, but now it has been leveled.
This duty of judges was seen as a powerful and effective means of combating corruption in the judiciary, since it is easy to initiate a check against a judge if his real financial situation, which is in plain sight (hatynka, car) differs from the declared one.

Now an ordinary citizen will not be able to find out whether the judge honestly bought a Lexus for his salary, which he drives to work every day and leaves in the parking lot near the court building.

Relevant changes to the Law on the Judiciary and the Status of Judges were quietly drawn when the law on some changes to the Tax Code was adopted on April 24 this year.

Now, judges will submit income declarations only to the court where they work, and it is unlikely that an ordinary citizen will be able to see them.