Industrial espionage

Industrial espionage
Industrial espionage – the combination of these two words makes people think of the Cold War era. Although in modern business this word – industrial espionage – is veiled under the words market research or competitive intelligence. In our opinion, it is not so important how people call the sets of events and what kind of business it is aimed at, whether it is the production and sale of goods or the production of services, the main thing is to get up-to-date information about a competitor and get ahead of him, find an implementer and get away from an intermediary, identify an unreliable partner and etc., that is, to use such a service as industrial espionage. The security services of leading European companies do not disdain methods of obtaining information about competitors and partners through such things as industrial espionage, they develop entire departments and introduce new methods of information analysis. While it brings great benefits and economic benefits.

In Ukraine, the direction of “industrial espionage” is only developing, companies conduct competitor intelligence by people who do not have experience and methods for obtaining and evaluating information, in some businesses this work is not carried out at all. There are cases when people resort to the services of recruiting companies and lure leading managers to work, and with them clients and client bases. Although seriously, methodically, no one does it.

If you want to get professional help on the issues listed above, how to protect yourself from problems such as industrial espionage, please contact us, our specialists will help you.